
Maritime motives of steele

Blacksmithing is part of our family tradition. At the Strandresidenz, we combine memories with the present.

Daniel Giebel, great-grandfather of the family, was master smith around 1900 in Schwerin. His last works can be viewed in the hallway of the house. All other blacksmithing artwork was integrated with the help of metalsmith Marcus and Klaus Grosser from the ATEM-studio in Satow.


One of our favourite pieces in the extravagant banister with original anchors, fishing equipment and steering wheel. It is the result of 8 months work and includes our family crest. The motive in the basement symbolises life ‘under water’, on the first floor ‘on land’ and on the upper floors it reaches ‘the sky’.


When breaking down the house in 2002, some pieces had to be ‘rescued’, including the portholes. This way, the beautiful porthole-lamps were created that can be found by the entrance.

Relatives gave us original lamps off of ships (around 1948/1953). The drop-light in the basement has the shape of a boye, whilst the headlights bye the entrance remind of fishing nets.


Our weathervane ‘Gorch Fock’ was created in 2006 by Marcus and Klaus Grosser with non-rusting metal as well as beat gold.

Door handle

The door handle ‘Anker’ was created by Marcus and Klaus Grosser with a special, non-rusting steel.


2005 we discovered the gigantic anchor that was in extremely bad shape. Now it acts as a maritime entrance symbol to the port on the western side of the Strandresidenz. Until now we have not found the origin of the anchor but are happy for any hints.

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Rescue of the anchor

In November 2005, the anchor was found on the junk yard of the Jade-disposal GmbH in the Rostock port. Its condition was wretched: It was completely rusted and studded with colour dots. It was 3.140kg and we could not find out anything about its history. The anchor number cannot be deciphered but it probably is ‘3000 kg – N366 – GOCT 766 61 – 1975’ (We are always happy about hints).

At first, the anchor had to be moved with an extra-wide transportation vehicle to the constructional steelwork Vielist BmgH near Waren/Müritz where it was de-rusted, sandblasted and covered with a protective layer. After it reached the Strandresidenz-Kühlungsborn and was placed in the garden. The metalsmith from the ADEM-atelier added missing pieces so that the anchor can now be viewed in all its magnificence.

2007, the anchor was moved to the western side of the Strandresidenz. Now it acts as the maritime entrance to the port. The famous FRAM, polarship of Fridjof Nansen wore a similar, although much smaller, anchor. The German ship ‘Passat’ supposedly wore a 600kg heavy and 1,70m tall anchor.

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