Home automation

A paradise for people that love modern technology!

Heating up the sauna right from your apartment whilst looking at the weather forecast …

The technological nouveau of the Strandresidenz is a great example for today’s modern times. Future technology can be found as a standard in all the apartments. Ambient Assisted Living, Safety & Security – the possibilities are diverse and exciting. The owner has implemented countless possibilities for the house technology. That realizes first-class comfort.

Intelligent house technology

The whole house is equipped with KNX-technology. This enables you to control every technological equipment, such as lighting, ventilation, shutters, heaters, elevator, sauna, door intercom system and smoke detectors. You can also close windows and doors with this technology. The integrated weather station gives information about temperature, humidity, wind, sun intensity etc.

Monitoring technology

The whole house is being monitored. Every apartment has its separate alarm system that can be controlled from a central display. The webcam gives current imaged of the surroundings from the promenade to the port. More about the topic of safety.

A comfortable temperature

All apartments are heated by underfloor heating. In the fitness- and sauna area, air heating helps heating up the rooms even more. You can heat up any room this way to up to 24 °C.

Our luxury apartments

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Everything in one look

In the hallway of each apartment one can find a screen (GIRA-Video-Terminal) integrated in the wall, where more information can be found:

  1. Ventilation
  2. Information on the weather
  3. Door-/Window-clasp surveillance
  4. Alarm message
  5. Video footage
  6. On/-Off Sauna
  7. etc.

Complimentary utilization

Out guests can use all facilities without charge. This includes DSL, Telephone connection to many countries and D1-net, as well as:

  1. TV/Radio-fee
  2. Telephone-Flatrate (Fixed line, D1)
  3. Fax, Internet, DSL

You are also able to use our in-house sauna, bikes and more free of charge…

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